Keep Your Sin to Yourself!
As our society grows in its moral evil and hatred for God, and tries to intimidate us into its corrupt image, we will need to resolutely embrace the attitude of Psalm 119:115:
“Depart from me, you evildoers, for I will keep the commandments of my God!”
No need to apologize for doing what’s right. Those who laugh at us today will soon be trembling in stark terror as they stand eternally condemned before the throne of the Creator they boldly mocked.
Jesus Christ is the only true God.
He is coming back to claim what is His.
And to destroy what is not.
Submit to His lordship while there is still time.
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Russ, thank you for the kind comments. You’re right. It has been forty years since I surrendered my life to the Lord, and I still am overwhelmed at the whole idea of salvation, eternal life, ruling and reigning with Almighty God–a God who for some unfathomable reason loves me!
I’m ecstatic to hear the impact my books are having on the young men you minister to. That’s an answered prayer.
I have several other videos on YouTube. Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll swing by the campus.
God bless you!
Where to start? I have read all three of the fire series, and both ‘Spirit of’ books, and then watched a 1.5 hour facebook video, and a YouTube broadcast. Oh, and I’ve bought the whole Fire series for the boys here at a Teen Challenge School (Gateway Academy) here and Florida, and I would say at least 10 (of the 68) boys have read it – most of them all three!
I probably don’t need to say, I like the style and content of your books, and looking at the reality of warfare in a hierarchy of power, control…and evil. Watching your videos I appreciate how ‘lite, but on purpose’ you are. You have a quick laugh, a certain casualness – but not obliviousness, to your topics…perhaps a joy in walking and being obedient to the lord.
I am not ‘on’ facebook, but was able to watch that one video, and am grateful for it.
Russ Jones
God bless you, Nina!
Unfortunately, many in the church don’t realize that some of their overtures of “apparent” kindness toward the lost are actually manifestations of (1) their deep, unsanctified need to be accepted by the world, (2) their rejection or ignorance of the word of God, (3) their lack of fear of the Lord, and (4) their blindness of the coming of the great day of God’s judgment.
I’m going to do all I can to be a good, faithful, and fearless witness of truth to this evil and perverse generation.
Thank you for your encouragement.
Hi Eric, I’m glad you don’t do as so many Christians who practice tolerance of those things which God calls evil or wrong. We need a few more people like you. I have some of your books. I’ve also listened to (watched) some of your youtube videos. So, keep up the good work. Btw: I’m not politically correct, nor do I wish to be. I’m also somewhat outspoken.
Blessings and God’s peace to you.